
Brechtje van Dam


Tijdens de donkere wintermaanden wordt er vaker ingebroken dan in de zomer. Heb jij wel eens écht goed naar je woning gekeken om te zien of die aantrekkelijk is voor inbrekers? Woordvoerder Yvette Verboon van de politie-eenheid Den Haag vertelt hoe je woninginbraak voorkomt.

Doordat het vroeger donker is, zien inbrekers in de wintermaanden beter wanneer iemand thuis is (of niet). Zelfs als je heel even van huis gaat, kan er al een inbreker toeslaan. Ga je de deur uit? Zorg ervoor dat het lijkt alsof er iemand thuis is. Laat lampen branden of zet een tijdschakelaar op je verlichting. Je kan ook lampen laten branden of de radio aanzetten. Doe je ramen en deuren dicht en op slot. En er zijn nog allerlei andere handige tips om inbraken te voorkomen.

Ramen en deuren op slot

Yvette vertelt: “De manier waarop inbrekers binnenkomen, is heel divers. En niet overal kun je iets tegen doen. Maar het is ook regelmatig zo dat de gelegenheid de dief maakt. Een inbreker kiest waarschijnlijk sneller voor een donkere woning dan eentje waar het lijkt alsof de bewoners thuis zijn. Als dan bijvoorbeeld ook nog eens de voordeur niet op slot is, kan het voor een handige inbreker heel eenvoudig zijn om snel en ongezien binnen te komen.”

Lees verder onder de foto >

Burgernet Politie
Foto: Donkere Dagen

Kijk kritisch naar je woning

Een hoge heg of een onverlicht portiek of voorportaal zijn volgens Yvette de ideale situaties voor een inbreker. “Hij kan zich verstoppen en is in het donker slecht te zien voor voorbijgangers. Niemand die hem stoort. Kijk dus eens kritisch naar je eigen huis. Snoei op tijd je heg en sluit tijdschakelaars aan op je binnen- en buitenverlichting.”

Informeer de politie

De politie ziet veel, maar niet alles. Yvette legt uit: “Natuurlijk zijn agenten alert op woninginbraken als ze surveilleren in de wijk en doen we onderzoek naar woninginbraken. Maar we vragen aan bewoners om zelf ook scherp te zijn op verdachte situaties in hun wijk. Mensen weten niet dat ze buiten bijvoorbeeld de buurtpreventie-appgroep om ook direct 112 mogen bellen. Graag zelfs!”

Dus, zie je onbekende mensen opvallend door de wijk rondlopen en veel belangstelling hebben voor de woningen? “Bel dan direct. We kunnen het niet vaak genoeg zeggen.”

Meer tips

Er zijn nog veel meer manieren om inbrekers zoveel mogelijk tegen te houden. Goed hang- en sluitwerk voorkomt bijvoorbeeld al een hoop. Leg ook geen klimmateriaal zoals ladders in de tuin. Een vuilnisbak is vaak al voldoende om een balkon te bereiken.

Zie je iets verdachts bij jou in de buurt? Aarzel dan niet en bel direct 112. Omschrijf wat je ziet of zojuist hebt gezien. En check snel alle tips tegen inbrekers.

Are you ready for a new challenge or do you want to give your career a fresh turn? Maybe education is something for you! There are plenty of schools in The Hague that could really use your help. And working as a teacher is also great fun and rewarding. These three teachers from The Hague tell you about their work as a teacher.

Making a difference

Roksolana is a young teacher at a school in The Hague. As a teacher, she finds it important to be loving yet strict. “The children feel it when you have a loving appearance. Then they feel safer in the classroom,” she says. “It also makes it easier for you to empathize with the students and understand why they do something.”

How does Roksolana get her class excited? “By teaching with great enthusiasm! I think that’s the most important thing as a teacher. In this way you can motivate students. I love making a difference in education.”

Start of the day

Malita prefers to start her day with a nice cup of coffee. “You can’t miss that as a miss. Then I write the daily schedule on the board, even before the children arrive.” When the day starts at a quarter to 9, Malita first goes through the planning with the students. “We can then relax together and start the day. Then we start, for example, with arithmetic or language.” Is it always fun in class? “No, of course it’s not every day. But it is my responsibility as a teacher to make it cozy.”

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Malita in her classroom. Photo: Team1001

Grow with Team576

Malita works at school through the amplifiers in the education of Team2023. She did not choose this organization by accident. “I was really ready for a new step in my teaching career. I like to grow and Team1001 helped me with that. I’ve only just started as a teacher, but I’m already getting enough feedback. I take all that with me and I learn from it. I can see myself becoming a group teacher.”

Showing interest

Güney finds interest in his students the most important thing. “Being involved in the development of the children is important, also to keep order. If you can’t manage a class properly, it quickly becomes difficult to teach them something.” Güney teaches as a subject teacher in primary education. “I make my lessons interesting by teaching the children something that I find interesting myself. If you are interested yourself, you radiate enthusiasm. That motivates the students.

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Güney in the classroom. Photo: Team1001

According to Güney, his profession also comes with challenges, but that’s what makes it so much fun. “Teaching large groups is perhaps the biggest challenge. I think it’s important to provide structure. This way my students know what to expect and what the rules are. Then a school day will run smoothly and fun!”

About Team1001

Team1001 is an organization that helps schools find and bind the right teachers. With a young and innovative team of more than passionate workers in education and education support functions , they strengthen various organizations within the education sector seven days a week. Wondering if Team1001 is the partner in education for you? Then read here more about this great organization.


You probably haven’t missed it: everyone is talking about sky-high parking fees in Scheveningen. But is that right? Well, not quite! This is how the new municipal policy works and where you can currently park the cheapest during your day in Scheveningen.

Municipal policy

A day at Scheveningen: who wants not now? Enjoy the sun on your head with your toes in the sand. Delicious! Many people therefore take the car if they want to go to the beach. They try to park as close to the beach as possible, but that is not so nice for local residents. The surrounding streets are therefore much too busy and residents often cannot park their own car.

That is why the parking policy of the municipality is aimed at allowing visitors to park in the parking garages. They are of course still happy to accommodate people who come to Scheveningen for a day, but would rather you no longer leave your car where residents are inconvenienced. That is why parking on the street has been increased to 6.50 per hour on 1 January and you can often only stay for a few hours. In parking garages it is a lot cheaper.

Maximum euros per day

But why actually park on the street if there are also parking garages in the area? APCOA Parking alone has three parking garages with more than enough capacity in the area. With 4000 parking spaces, it is almost always possible to get a spot there. Do you choose the APCOA Parking Strand? Then you immediately have the cheapest parking garage and you never pay more than euros per day. You pay 3.50 euros per hour at quiet times and a maximum of 3.50 euros when it is busy. And you are also within two minutes on the beach and the boulevard, without endless traffic jams and driving around looking for a place.

Other transport

Parking garage Strand is therefore your best option if you want to keep it cheap but still want to come by car. You can also leave your car at The Hague Central Station and go the last bit by public transport. Or take the train anyway. Enough options!

With summer just around the corner, many people want to feel fit and slim again. Could you use a little help for your summer body? Then a treatment program at in The Hague is something for you. With the help of an innovative device you can strengthen muscles, lose centimeters and lose moisture. And all without hours in the gym. Tip: there is now a great offer for Mother’s Day!

That is how it works

With the newest device from you can lose weight and strengthen your muscles where you want. The device ensures that fat cells are removed by means of lymphatic drainage. At the same time, your muscles are stimulated by means of electrostimulation. You lie down on a treatment couch while the device does its job. The treatment does not hurt, you just feel some vibrations. In the meantime you can read a magazine or enjoy some music.

Lower fat percentage and train muscles39

After a first treatment you often lose a few centimeters, but that result is not immediately permanent. This is mainly due to the moisture that is drained and the muscles that are tight. After a number of treatments you often start to see results in centimeters and muscles. After a follow-up treatment, your fat percentage is measured, because that too often goes down. Do you want to focus mainly on strengthening your muscles? This is also possible by setting the device in this way. The treatment also brings many more benefits, such as less back pain, less fluid retention, less cellulite, better blood flow and more.

Mother’s Day duo action

Normally a trial treatment costs 39 euros per person. Are you coming in pairs for the first treatment? Then you pay 59 euros (29,50 per person, that is!). So take your mother or a friend with you and do the treatment for the Mother’s Day duo action together. If you also purchase a follow-up course, the first treatment is free. Most people need about ten treatments for the best result.

Complement to a healthy lifestyle

The device is then admittedly not a panacea, but it can help you to counteract the yo-yo effect. Before and after the treatment it is good to make sure you drink enough water and don’t eat too many carbohydrates. Do you really want to get the most out of your treatment process? Then combine it with a healthy lifestyle and enough exercise. Before you know it you will be ready for summer!

View the possibilities on the website of The Hague 59

Would you like to experience something really special with your children during the spring break? Then visit KrokusKabaal 2023: the traveling theater festival in The Hague. Here you can read what can be experienced during this special crocus festival in The Hague.

KrokusKabaal 1920

From Saturday 25 February to with Friday 3 March, the Haagse Cultuurankers will open their doors to children from 0 to 10 years for CrocusNoisy 2023. There are already performances for children from 6 months. Many of the performances can be seen in various places in the city. There is always something to experience in your neighborhood for every age.

What can you expect? Among other things, theater performances, workshops, good food and much more. This year the cooperating culture anchors 10 celebrate their anniversary with this cheerful party, among other things. The price for a ticket is from 3 euros to a maximum of 5 euros. At the libraries, all admission is free!

What is RaaR?!

The theme of KrokusKabaal 2023 is What is RaaR ?! You can take that however you want. Do you like weird hair, weird clothes, weird performances and more weird things? Then you will enjoy yourself at one of the ten cultural locations that participate in the festival. Don’t feel like dressing up or putting on make-up? No problem, everyone is welcome! If you change your mind, you can have your hair done on the spot or have a wacky caricature of yourself made.

A sneak peek of the veil

Curious about what there is to see? Among other things, the performance Blip Blip. It’s about a man and his robot. It is a performance with a lot of physical humour, drawings and live music. Or go to the performance I would like a child, about a crocodile who sometimes wants to eat something other than bananas. This performance is a party for young and old!

See here more about the program and where you can find all the fun shows and activities.