The Dutch government offers several of subsidies for individuals, families and entrepreneurs. PSM Consultancy explains what the different subsidies are and whether you are eligible for one of them.
The various subsidies in the Netherlands cover financial assistance to individuals, families, and entrepreneurs for things such as healthcare, rent, childcare, and more. For most of the subsidies, you will need to be at least 18 years of age and have Dutch citizenship or a valid residence permit.
Here are the different types of subsidies and their requirements for 2024:
IndividualsIndividuals may be eligible for subsidies to assist with their expenses. Whether you qualify for them depends on certain factors like your age, financial situation, and current working situation.
Health insurance benefit (zorgtoeslag)The health insurance subsidy helps individuals afford insurance premiums and medical expenses, ensuring access to necessary care.
Eligibility requirements: You are 18 years of age or older. You have Dutch health insurance. You have Dutch nationality or a valid resident permit in the Netherlands. Your annual income for 2024 does not exceed €37.496. If you have a subsidy partner, the sum of your combined income cannot exceed €47.368 per year. Your total assets (bank accounts, second properties, etc.) must not exceed a certain limit. As of January 1, 2024, the individual asset limit is €140.123. If you have a subsidy partner, the sum of your assets cannot exceed €177.301 in total. You may receive up to €123 (2024) monthly from the healthcare subsidy, depending on your salary.
Rent benefit (huurtoeslag)The rent allowance is to help cover part of the rental costs of your home in the Netherlands.
Eligibility requirements: You are 18 years of age or older. You have a residence permit in the Netherlands. You have a rental contract for independent housing (with your lockable front door, kitchen, and bathroom). Your rent does not exceed €879,66 per month. If you are under 23 years of age, then the rent may not exceed €452,20 per month. The exception is if you already have a child living with you, then the rent cannot exceed €808,06 per month. Your assets, such as savings, shares or a holiday home, do not reach the maximum limit of €36.952 (January 1, 2024). Partners may have a maximum of €73.904 together in assets. The amount of money you can receive from the huurtoeslag depends on various factors, such as your income, household size, and your rental price.
Unemployment benefit (WW uitkering)The unemployment benefit provides financial assistance to individuals who have lost their job involuntarily. It helps them cover expenses while seeking new employment.
Things to know about the WW uitkering: You can apply for the benefits from one week before to one week after you become unemployed. For the first two months, you will receive 75% of your last gross salary. You will receive 70% of your last gross salary for the third month. For each additional year of work, you will receive half of a month of unemployment benefits (70% of your last gross salary). If you have lost your job due to reasons beyond your control, you may be entitled to this benefit.
Social assistance benefit (bijstandsuitkering)The social assistance benefit is for people without a job, with low economic resources, and who do not have the right to other help such as unemployment benefits.
Eligibility requirements: You are 18 years old or older. You have a valid resident permit in the Netherlands. You do not have a high income or assets. You are single and do not have a child(ren) living at home, and your assets do not exceed the maximum of €7.575 per month. If you are single with a child(ren) living at home or cohabiting / married, and your assets do not exceed €15.150 per month. Individuals who receive social assistance benefits and reside in their own homes are eligible for an exemption of €63.900 on the assets associated with their home. This benefit is intended for individuals with a low income.
Starting from July 1, 2023, the subsidy amount per month is as follows:
If you are single or are a single parent, the amount including holiday pay is €365,98 per month. If you are married and both living together as a family, the amount including holiday pay is €599,23 per month. This benefit is meant for people with a lower income.
FamiliesFamilies with children may be eligible for different benefits from the Dutch government.
Childcare benefit (kinderopvangtoeslag)If your children go to a day care, you can receive a subsidy for the costs incurred for the day care. However, it must be a registered day care centre (kinderopvang) with a registration number (LKR).
Eligibility requirements: You and your partner work, even if you work part-time. Either you or your partner are self-employed. Either you or your partner are taking an integration course (inburgeringscursus). Either you or your partner are participating in a job reintegration programme (traject naar werk). Either you or your partner are enrolled in an accredited education programme (regular secondary school, MBO, HBO, University, ROC, Vavo, PhD). Neither you nor your partner work as volunteers. You must contribute to the daycare costs yourself. Additionally, the amount you will receive depends on your working hours, the type of daycare, and the duration of daycare usage.
6. Child benefit (kinderbijslag)The family allowance depends on the age of your child, but in all cases they must be under 18 years of age. The benefit is transferred at the end of every three months in January, April, July, and October.
The child benefit amounts, per child, for each quarter (January 1, 2024):
0 to 5 years: €279,49 6 to 11 years: €339,38 12 to 17 years: €399,27 If you have a child for the first time, to receive child benefit, you must register the birth at your local municipality, who will then notify the Social Insurance Bank (SVB).
Child budget benefit (kindgebonden budget)The child budget benefit gives financial assistance for your children’s expenses up to the age of 18. The amount of the allowance depends on your combined income as a couple. The annual increase for the first child will be a maximum of 750 euros, while for the second child, it will be a maximum of 883 euros.
Eligibility requirements: You have Dutch nationality or have a valid residence permit in the Netherlands. You must not possess assets exceeding €140,213 as a single person or €177.301 as a couple (as of January 1, 2024). You receive the child benefit (kinderbijslag). Your income is not too high. In many cases, you will automatically receive the child budget if you are eligible.
EntrepreneursCertain entrepreneurs are entitled to a benefit which allows them to receive a wage from the government.
Subsidy for self-employed and pregnant people (zelfstandig en zwanger)If you are self-employed and pregnant, you can apply for a maternity allowance for at least 16 weeks. The same rules for the duration of leave that apply to regular employees will also apply.
If you complete 1.225 hours of work as a self-employed person, you will receive a minimum wage, the amount of which varies every year. If you complete fewer than 1.225 hours of work as a self-employed person, you will receive a lower wage.
Further, you can apply for the benefit between 4 – 6 weeks before your estimated due date.
If you need help with Dutch subsidies, taxes, or need an accountant for your business, PSM Consulting offers expert financial services in English and Spanish. Contact their team via +31 618 786 126 or [email protected].
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