It may sound a bit strange, but this summer, when you visit one of the city farms in The Hague, you can go home with a hamster or rabbit. Read how that works below.
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On all Stadsboerderijen of the municipality of The Hague you will find you this summer holiday small rodents from rodent shelter ‘t Knagertje. These animals are looking for a new home.
Pets are looking for a home
At 10 July starts the summer holidays. From this day, until 10 August, you will find small rodents (such as mice, guinea pigs and hamsters) at all Haagse Stadsboerderijen. Those animals are always there, but there is a special bin from ‘t Knagertje for each farm; these animals are looking for a new owner.
These animals ended up in the shelter because their owner could no longer care for them, for whatever reason. They are all nice shelter animals who would like a second chance as pets and are therefore looking for a new home.
Here is an overview of what is where:
Gagelhoeve: couple of guinea pigs
Landzigt: Syrian Hamster Kakelhof: pair of rabbits Molenweide: Syrian hamster Op den Dijk: group of mice
- Reigershof: group of mice Churlish Stable: couple of guinea pigs
- ‘t Waaygat: rats & gerbils Schildershoeve: group of mice Herweyerhoeve: Syrian hamster
At the relevant petting zoo they can tell you more if you are interested.
Pet Information Point
Do you want get a pet? Check in advance on for information about the care and costs of pets.
Stichting Rodent Shelter Het Knagertje
At 10 July starts the summer holidays. From this day, until 10 August, you will find small rodents (such as mice, guinea pigs and hamsters) at all Haagse Stadsboerderijen. Those animals are always there, but there is a special bin from ‘t Knagertje for each farm; these animals are looking for a new owner.
These animals ended up in the shelter because their owner could no longer care for them, for whatever reason. They are all nice shelter animals who would like a second chance as pets and are therefore looking for a new home.
Here is an overview of what is where:
- Gagelhoeve: couple of guinea pigs
- Reigershof: group of mice Churlish Stable: couple of guinea pigs
- ‘t Waaygat: rats & gerbils Schildershoeve: group of mice Herweyerhoeve: Syrian hamster
Landzigt: Syrian Hamster Kakelhof: pair of rabbits Molenweide: Syrian hamster Op den Dijk: group of mice
At the relevant petting zoo they can tell you more if you are interested.
Pet Information Point
Do you want get a pet? Check in advance on for information about the care and costs of pets.
Stichting Rodent Shelter Het Knagertje
Do you want get a pet? Check in advance on for information about the care and costs of pets.