
Published: 9 June 2023Modified: 9 June 2023

The Hague Municipal Council has agreed to a new tram line from The Hague to Voorburg, Rijswijk and Delft. The tram line should improve the accessibility of the Binckhorst and the area between The Hague’s Central Station, Hollands Spoor and Laan van NOI train stations. The tram is expected to start operating in 2030.

The new tram line will run from The Hague’s Central Station via the Binckhorstlaan and Maanweg to the Voorburg station. And from the Binckhorstlaan via the Prinses Mariannelaan and the Geestbrugweg to Rijswijk and Delft.

MeasuresThe Municipal Council also voted in favour of measures to make the area a nice spot to live, work and relax in. These measures are needed because an additional 35,000 homes are being built in the Binckhorst and the area between the 3 intercity stations (the Central Innovation District, CID). The tram and additional measures will make these areas accessible and liveable for everybody who will live and work there. The Municipality of The Hague, partners in the region and the Dutch state will invest a total of € 575 million in the new tram line and the measures.

Sustainable transportationExtra money will be spent on sustainable and clean transportation in the Binckhorst, Voorburg-West and Rijswijk. More space will be created for pedestrians, cyclists and shared mobility. And there will fewer cars so that traffic flow improves and becomes safer.

With residents and businessesThe municipal councils of Rijswijk and Leidschendam-Voorburg already agreed to the plans earlier. Now that The Hague Municipal Council has also agreed, the municipalities can work further on the plans. They will do this together with residents and businesses. They will look at how the tram line can connect with the area even better.


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