08 June 2023, by Victoria Séveno

As of April 1, 2023, the rules for British expats with temporary right of residence in the Netherlands have been clarified following Brexit. Under the new rules, UK citizens with permits valid only for a temporary stay in the Netherlands could see their residency revoked more easily. 

IND clarifies rules for British expats in the Netherlands post-Brexit

As the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) explains, UK citizens with a Residence Document Withdrawal Agreement for a temporary stay in the Netherlands are only allowed to leave the Netherlands for a set period of time. Being outside of the Netherlands for anything longer than this specified period might result in the IND revoking their right of residence.

British expats will see their temporary Brexit right of residence revoked if either:

  • On or after October 1, 2023, they are outside of the Netherlands for longer than six months in a 12-month period.
  • On or after April 1, 2024, they are outside of the Netherlands for longer than 12 consecutive months for “important reasons” (i.e. pregnancy, childbirth, serious illness, university).

Rules for Brits with permanent residency remain unchanged

While these new rules will impact some UK citizens in the Netherlands, the IND emphasises that the rules for British expats with a Permanent Residence Document Withdrawal Agreement for permanent residency in the Netherlands remain unchanged.

In this case, the IND will only revoke permanent residency for UK citizens who leave the Netherlands for a period of at least five consecutive years. For more information about Dutch residency rules, check the IND website.

Thumb: mundissima via Shutterstock.com.

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