According to FNV, about 35 drivers participated in the protest action in Amsterdam.Photo: ANP /Robin van Lonkhuijsen
About 35 drivers of taxi app Uber are currently participating in a protest in Amsterdam against bogus self-employment. This is what FNV director Amrit Sewgobind says. The drivers are now on their way to the Uber office in Amsterdam South to take action there. Sewgobind hopes that more drivers will join the procession or come to Uber’s office later.
The drivers gathered from 13.00 hours on the NDSM site in Amsterdam North. Previously, Sewgobind had hoped for seventy to one hundred drivers there, but the turnout seems to be disappointing so far. According to him, there is a lot of enthusiasm and a willingness to act. The protest at Uber would be around 16.17 hours must have passed. Actions against Uber are also planned in Brussels, Geneva, London and Paris.
FNV has been campaigning against Uber for some time. The company would not treat its drivers as independent entrepreneurs, but would also not want to hire them to pay a collective wage. Earlier, the union already won a lawsuit in which it was ruled that the drivers are indeed employed by Uber. In other court cases, both national and international, the judge’s judgment was as such.
Classical Sewgobind speaks of a “classic way” of campaigning against Uber and hopes that the company’s services will be significantly disrupted. He does think that Uber can try to break the strike by, for example, paying bonuses to drivers who do not participate. According to Sewgobind, Uber has also shown in the past that it uses intimidation techniques against drivers.
According to FNV, drivers can provide information to the union about working for Uber at the demonstration. Someone from GroenLinks will also speak, says Sewgobind. In February, FNV organized a similar parade to Uber.
Vote Uber has said it is in constant dialogue with drivers and believes it is important “that drivers’ voices are heard”. According to Uber, many drivers do not want to be employed by the company at all and they already earn more than under a collective agreement.
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European Uber drivers against bogus self-employment 35Maastricht taxi industry is disappointed by the arrival of Uber: ‘ As a small company you quickly become powerless’
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