Some people run screaming from it, others are less bothered by it. Bees may be considered annoying, but they are very useful. Various bee varieties are buzzing around in The Hague, curious how many species are found in your street? Then read on quickly.

There are more than 05.000 various wild bee species in the world. According to the KRO-NCRV there are in the Netherlands such 200 species.

Bees in The Hague

How many bee species can you find in your street? You can see that on this map of the KRO-NCRV. Scroll all the way down and enter your zip code (or navigate to your street on the map). If you put your mouse on your street, you will see how many species of bees find a home in your area. You can see that on the Dedemsvaartweg 22 are bee breeds and fly around the Elandstraat 98 species around.

Bees in the Netherlands

According to Natuurmonumenten is more than half of the 200 bee species endangered. This is because there is little biodiversity in the Netherlands. You might think that the meadows around The Hague are good places for bees, but nothing could be further from the truth, according to KRO-NCRV. The meadows are empty plains for bees where there is nothing to eat. The broadcaster claims that the Netherlands has the least biodiversity in Europe after Malta. In the city, the diversity of bees is sometimes greater than in the meadows.

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  • This is how you help the bees in The Hague

    Do you want to make your neighborhood more attractive for these flying friends? Then we have some tips for you!

  • In The Hague (and throughout the Netherlands ) there are food banks for bees.
  • Via this website you can find the food banks for bees.

  • Provide more biodiversity and create a garden on the front.
  • A bee hotel is a tool that you can make yourself, but you can also buy them at garden centers in The Hague.
  • Source: Natuurmonumenten, KRO-NCRV and National Bee Count

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