The beach bars are in full swing and the sun is showing itself more often, spring is here and that means the beach season is about to begin! To celebrate, you can view a special sand artwork at Scheveningen on Saturday 8 April.

Artist Gerard ten Broek will make a special Escher on Saturday sand artwork in Scheveningen.

Do you take a nice picture of the artwork? Mail it to: .

Sand Art

Gerard is a ‘land art artist’ and he makes works of art in the landscape that also decay like a special pattern in the sand. His latest work can be seen on Saturday 8 April north of the jetty at Scheveningen, near Aloha Beachclub. How long can you see the work? Round 12.00 hours it ready and at high tide the sea will swallow it up, that is from 13.22 o’clock.

“The artwork I’m going to make this weekend is a geometric pattern consisting of many circles. Because I add extra lines between the circles, it will seem as if the artwork has height and depth that is not there in reality,” says Gerard.

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