According to the province of Zeeland, the flex taxi will look similar to the current stop taxi.Photo: Province of Zeeland/Mechteld Jansen
Transport in Zeeland will look different from 2025 than it currently is. From 2025, travelers in Zeeland can choose from a mix of (public) means of transport and pick-up points, where you can comfortably wait for different types of transport . From that year, travelers can also use smart apps, with which trips can be planned, booked and paid for at the same time.
“The current transport system is no longer up to date,” says the province of Zeeland. “Buses run empty for large parts of the day and little public transport is available at weekends and in the evenings. That is why transport in Zeeland will change from 2025.”
To achieve this, the province of Zeeland has developed a new transport plan. According to the province, flexible transport, such as the flex taxi, plays a crucial role in this. “Due to the use of more flexible and partial transport, the quieter areas are more accessible, also in the evenings and weekends.”
Target group transport The new transport plan also includes additional options for target group transport. “Public transport must be close by and accessible to everyone”, is the opinion of the province. “There will be additional options for travelers who use target group transport. An example of target group transport is transport to and from special education. Part of the journey then goes by target group transport and another part by public transport.”
In addition, according to the province, more flex taxis and small vans will also be driving from 2025. “By combining this with target group transport, volunteer initiatives and shared transport, travelers get more options to travel from A to B. The new concession will start from December 2023. From that moment on, transport by flex taxi and small vans will also be available.”
Mobility hubs All forms of transport eventually converge at different pick-up points, also known as mobility hubs. From these hubs, travelers in Zeeland will soon be able to board the means of transport that best suits their journey. “Within built-up areas, a pick-up point can be found at a maximum of 15 meters and outside built-up areas this will be at a maximum of 2.5 kilometers are. In this way, everyone can easily get to a boarding point or junction”, as described in the transport plan.
The municipalities and the province of Zeeland are jointly responsible for the implementation of the new transport plan. In the Regional Mobility Strategy, therefore, broad agreements have been made about the locations and functionalities of the hubs. To stimulate the realization of the pick-up points, the province has opened the second round of the subsidy scheme. From 15 March to 15 October 2023 it is possible for Zeeland municipalities to apply for a subsidy for the realization of mobility hubs.
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