18 February 2023, by Victoria Séveno
Google Maps has announced that, over the course of the coming months, a new 3D function will be rolled out across a number of cities around the world – including Amsterdam – allowing users to be virtually immersed in the architecture of the city!
Google Maps rolling out new 3D function
The 3D function, known as immersive view, was launched in London, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and Tokyo earlier this month, and uses artificial intelligence to fuse together billions of Street View and aerial images to create an expansive virtual picture that allows users to explore cities online in a new and immersive way.
In addition to offering a new 3D model of cities, immersive view also uses live and up-to-date information about weather, traffic and busyness in order to provide a more accurate image of different locations.
While immersive view is already live in some areas, Google Maps plans to expand the function to new cities around the world over the course of the coming months, with Amsterdam, Dublin, Florence and Venice next in line to receive the immersive treatment.
What does immersive view offer users in Amsterdam?
So, you might be wondering what the point is of this new feature – Google Maps already offers Street View, after all – but the platform believes it adds an additional layer of useful information.
“Say you’re planning a visit to the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam,” Google Maps says. “You can virtually soar over the building and see where things like the entrances are. With the time slider, you can see what the area looks like at different times of day and what the weather will be like. You can also spot where it tends to be most crowded so you can have all the information you need to decide where and when to go.”
In addition to detailed images of the exterior of buildings, immersive view also offers users the chance to take a peek inside some establishments: “take a look inside [restaurants] to quickly understand the vibe of a spot before you book your reservation.”
Thumb: Piotr Swat via Shutterstock.com.
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