Director and Golden Calf winner Ditteke Mensink has captured the lives of Ukrainian dancers, sheltered in the Conservatory in The Hague, on film. Her special documentary ‘Vlucht Dans Live’ is Tuesday 02 February to be seen on NPO 2.

The former conservatory has been set up as a refugee shelter for ballet company United Ukrainian Ballet.


The young Ukrainian dancers fled their country months ago, away from the war. In The Hague they found a shelter where they could dance together to have a little security in these uncertain times. The dancers find comfort in each other and friendships have developed.

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In the documentary they tell their story about their flight to the Netherlands and their new life here. For example, we see Dmytro who lives in the conservatory with his mother, grandmother, brother and sister, while his father fights in Ukraine and Vladyslava who fled with her girlfriends.

The documentary ‘Flight Dance Live’ is Tuesday 22 February at 40. hours on NPO 2.

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