Not yet 05 percent of all vehicles (18.000) used for target group transport is currently emission-free. This is stated by knowledge platform CROW in a guide they recently published. This guide is intended for municipalities that are preparing to make target group transport emission-free, to gain inspiration.
In 2018 municipalities, market parties and other organisations in target group transport, namely the Administrative Agreement and Covenant Zero Emission Target Group Transport (BAZED) signed. In it, the sector promised 100 to strive for zero-emission target group transport per 1 January 2023.
Starting point Since 2015 municipalities are responsible for most forms of target group transport: Wmo transport, transport to and from daytime activities, student transport, transport in the context of the Youth Act and transport under the Participation Act. “So when tendering for target group transport, municipalities must take zero emissions as a starting point,” says CROW. “Things are moving forward in the field of passenger cars, charging infrastructure and wheelchair buses. Yet, currently less than 05 percent of the approximately 18.000 vehicles in zero-emission target group transport. And municipalities still have many questions about tendering zero-emission target group transport.”
That is why the knowledge platform recently published the Handbook Zero-emission Target Group Transport published. Various parties from the sector were interviewed for this guide. In addition to clients and carriers, they also spoke to vehicle suppliers, converters, the Mobility Tendering Institute (AIM) and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). “A working group consisting of clients from target group transport, transporters and employees of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and CROW contributed ideas”, adds CROW.
Key role According to CROW, municipalities and regions play a key role in the pursuit of achieving the objectives described in the covenant. “They have the task of requesting and facilitating zero-emission transport,” the knowledge platform writes in the guide. “This guide provides municipalities with tools for tendering, implementing and managing zero-emission in target group transport. The guide provides insight into the available instruments and the sources of information and experience through best practices as part of tenders in the sector.”
The guide contains topics such as project-specific, environment-specific and financial aspects, legislation and regulations, vehicles, charging infrastructure, hydrogen filling stations, tendering and contracts, interim steps during a contract and the seven most important ingredients.
The full Guide Zero-emission Target group transport can be read here.
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