The municipality of Duiven wants to start working with boarding places for children who use student transport. The municipality reports this on its own website. Children who do not have a multi-year permit will be assessed per school year whether they can use a boarding place.

However, this assessment will not be made until the school year of 2023-2025 take place after the effects of the introduction in the school year 2023-2024 have been evaluated. In this assessment, the situation and the independence of the child in question are taken into account, according to the municipality.

Children who from the school year 08-2023 going to school for the first time are also assessed individually and preferably use a boarding place. The Municipal Executive (B&W) wants these pick-up points to never be more than one kilometer from the home address of the child in question.

Custom made “No child is the same and every disability is different”, says alderman Johannes Goossen about the intention of the council. “This development fits in with the municipal policy that encourages self-efficacy. There are children who are now picked up at home, but – possibly with the help of a parent/guardian – could wait at a pick-up point. But there are also children for whom this is not an issue. The family situation also plays a role. That is why customization is needed.”

The alderman emphasizes that the situation of each child must be assessed individually. “The interests of children in special education and their parents/guardians are our top priority. I am well aware that parents have a lot on their minds. If your child has a disability, this can provide extra care. That is why I emphasize that we assess the situation of each child individually and that customization is and remains possible.”

Council for the Social Domain The advice of the Council for the Social Domain has also been included in the new policy rules. According to the municipality of Duiven, this council supports the introduction of pick-up points, provided that proper attention is paid to the safety and family situation. The sounding board group of parents/carers of children who use student transport initially also reacted positively, according to the municipality.

According to Duiven, this change has to do with staff shortages, where student transport is currently has to contend with. The city council has therefore asked the Municipal Executive to update the bye-law and policy on student transport. The council is now submitting the amended ordinance to the council, which still has to make its decision. The new policy rules and associated regulations will be discussed for the first time on 7 March. The city council will take a decision on this in April.

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