The new song Woh o s’-Gravenhage by singer Ronnie Sober from The Hague is very reminiscent of the well-known O, o, Den Haag. In the video of this new (future) hit no less than 104 Residents of The Hague, including the mayor and Mark Rutte.
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Mark Rutte, Jan van Zanen, Splinter Chabot, Naomi van As, Paul van Vliet, Cesar Zuiderwijk, Sjaak Bral, Bas Muijs, Jules Rooijaards, Jessica Mendels: just a few names that pass by in the clip of the song Woh o s’-Gravenhage by Ronnie Sober and the Sorbets.
Nice song
In the video clip of the song, we see singer Ronnie Sober de enter the living room. All furniture has been pushed aside for the recording of the video. As soon as he starts singing, more and more people join in on screen.
The song from The Hague is made to the music of Sweet Home Alabama by Lynyrd Skynyrd, and sounds nice and swinging (logically). It started with an idea from lyricist Cary van Rheenen and Martin Hendriks of MHX music. Ron van den Hoogenband (Ronnie Sober) edited the text and sang the song together with Debby Sies and Janneke Aponno.
The video clip
Of course there had to be a clip. There are already enough clips with the most beautiful places in The Hague, the makers thought, so the people of The Hague were chosen.
The text continues below the video>>
People were sought who either live in The Hague or were born in The Hague and have a warm heart for the city. All participants have recorded their part of the song with their mobile phone and together they will perform the new hit from The Hague.
The Clip can be viewed on Youtube
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